Transforms traditional office into modern seamless digital office.

SeamlessBiz Modern Office is transforming traditional office into modern seamless digital office to achieve full business potential.

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ZSThree SeamlessBiz Modern Office

Important documents, internal news updates can be accessed anytime, anywhere and in any device thus people in the organization will be much more productive.

What is included?

  • Enhanced email capabilities (Send large attachments, 50GB capacity per user).
  • Includes Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) apps.
  • Real-time co-authoring so multiple users can work in the same document.
  • 1TB personal cloud storage per user
  • Powerful and effective document management system
  • Automate manual process through workflows
  • Plus, many more productivity apps like Planner, Yammer, OneNote

Contact us today and we will help you transform your organization into digital which will empower you to do more.